Wednesday 5 September 2018

3 Eminem Diss Tracks Better Than MGK's Rap Devil

*Clears throat* 

I'm Back... 

So... this is what brings me back to writing?

A rapper I've barely heard of releasing a diss track to a rapper whose new music I don't even check for! But hey, that's just The Way I Am

Yep. This is the one. For new people and those that Remember Me; I write funny blogs about things I'm interested in, or I used to, until life got hectic, Hi! My Name Is... Ben.

So for those people that have been living under a Rock [Bottom], Eminem recently released a surprise album; Kamikaze. Although I've not listened to it... cos I Just Don't Give a Fuck ... the internet has been buzzing because good old Mr. Marshall Mathers has been taking pop-shots at some of the biggest names in Hip Hop. One being a heavily tattooed gentleman that goes by the name of Machine Gun Kelly or MGK for short. Who looks like a cross between an extra from The Real Slim Shady music video and a wall of graffiti.

Obviously Mr. Kelly has not taken to kindly to this [while in reality, he probably jizzed in his pants as his icon has dissed him and bought him more attention than he could ever have gotten off of his own back, cos he looks like a massive Stan], so has released a song entitled; Rap Devil

I don't know much about MGK, a friend told me he was the "Next Eminem", but If I Had a pound for everytime I'd heard that I'd have about £78. 

Now some folks of the internet think this is an amazing diss track, and that's Criminal. It's not. It's sub-par at best. It has maybe two to four good bars.

So I've decided to put together a list of Three tracks dissing Eminem, that are far superior to MGK's offering. Here they are [in now particular order], Cum On Everybody, let's do this, it's not going to Kill You [although those forced Eminem song titles from SSLP & MMLP may have done already]...

PaceWon – Rap Music

Now, Em and Pace go way back to before Shady signed with Dr, Dre, and they worked together in a crew called Outsidaz [actually really good, check them out]. But obviously, their relationship soured over the years of Eminem becoming a household name. So for whatever reason Pace released this track.

In it Pace makes many claims; Eminem took his style, he's scared of Suge Knight [mate, who isn't?] and how he turns his back on his friends [probably my favourite bars];

"Got your voice on the track of your choice
You made noise, but then turned your back on your boys
Even did it to Royce, where's Head? Where's Fuzz?
I'm sick of your songs, I need lead ear plugs"

Royce Da 5'9” and Eminem has fallen out at this time. DJ Head was Em's original DJ and [as far as I know] his 'ghost-producer' and Fuzz was an emcee Em used to work with.

Evidence – Whitey's Revenge 


Eminem's first major beef after signing with Aftermath, was with the former front-man of House of Pain; Everlast. On a Dilated Peoples' Ear DrumPop, Everlast rapped; “I buck a 3-80 on those that act Shady”, a subliminal diss to Eminem. Em responded with Quitter and I Remember, both scathing lyrical assaults, but Everlast's reply was decent too.

Due to Eminem verbalising many of his personal problems on record; Kim, his mother, his daughter, Everlast was able to turn this into ammo when responding to Em;

"You can't keep your woman from going a stray,
Better run and go check that kid for your DNA,
I take care of my moms,
And you get sued by yours,
What's your corny metaphors,
About drugs and crack whores"

Evidence – Searching for Bobby Fisher 


Off the back of the Everlast beef, Eminem involved Dilated Peoples in his diss track [Quitter], which caused them to respond too.

In my eyes, Evidence is probably the best emcee to diss Eminem, and while the attacks aren't aimed at Em's personal dramas [like Everlast mentioning his family and Pace calling out how he'd turned on old friends]. Evidence comes at it from a real emcee's perspective; calling him a fake Chino XL, claiming he'll never own his publishing, Em's music producing skills;

“Production time; I heard your makin' beats,
But don't program the drums, don't program the keys,
Don't program the bass, producer? Liar!
Doin' that shits like hirin' a ghostwriter”

It's the kind of stuff Hip Hop Heads like me lap up and it's often cited as the best Eminem diss.

Honorable Mentions;

Tuesday 5 June 2018

*Clears Throat*

Hello all,

After a grueling ten minutes of trying to remember which version of my password I use for Blogger, I have finally logged in. Hooray for the small victories in life.

I'm astonished that my Blog is still getting views and even some comments, thanks for taking the time to read and even comment.

I've been extremely busy over the last two years and found it hard to find time for writing, which is such a shame, as it's always been something I've done for as long as I can remember. 
But on the plus side, I've had many new experiences over the last two years and have plenty to write [… or bitch and complain] about. 
So watch this space, or at least check back weekly.