Wednesday 17 June 2009

Shameless Promotion

As some people have pointed out to me recently; I’m grotesque, but also a fewer amount of people have pointed out that I’m not blogging as much as I usually do. This is for many reasons, one being my alcoholism, another being that I’m on the verge of a nervous breakdown and the final being because I once again have writer’s block.

But fear not little minions, because I have a new little bastard baby for you to gawp at as I prepare to ingest a concoction of illegal drugs to help diminish my writer’s block.

My new bastard baby is The British Standard. A sort of spoof newspaper, in which I’ll twist certain true news stories into stupid stories. I’ll also try my hand at being satirical and when that fails I’ll simply create more bullshit stories.

Issue One is already completed and uploaded, clearly there are still a few items to sort out, but I’ll get there eventually. It’s quite poor; it was rushed because I wanted to get it out to get the ball rolling. So check it out, I hope you’ll enjoy.

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