Monday 28 April 2008

Welcome to the Misadventures of Ben Broughton

For those unfamiliar with myself, where have you been? (Don't answer, that a rhetorical question). I'm Ben Broughton, and whatever you've heard about me is true, apart from the rumour that I was born with both sex organs, that one was a lie. I have pictures I prove myself right.

What's the point of this blog?
I made this blog while high on crack, so I can't quite remember why I made it. But I've seen endless pointless blogs on the internet, so one more not hurt.

What can I expect to find here?
Just random stuff, I do alot of writing, which I used to post on my Facebook/MySpace before family members started to use those social networks, so I was forced to censor myself, unless I wanted funny looks over Christmas dinner for the rest of my parents' lives. I was writing a book at one point, but had to put that on hold, but lucky readers can find parts of my blog in the near future.

So, are you a good writer?
I'm not sure really, I think of myself as a funny guy, a decent writer and a brilliant lover. Although I do struggle with spelling and grammer at times, so I'm not that decent. So try to ignore any of that stuff.

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