Thursday, 4 September 2008

"I'm not racist but ... I am!"

Ever heard someone say; "I'm not racist but..."? I'm sure you have, maybe you've even said it before (I'm joking of course, I'm sure you're not a racist). Well, I AM RACIST! Yes I said it. So what the fuck you going to do about it? I'm tired of living this lie, I'm coming out of the closet (racism closet that is, not the homosexual closet - need a few more years in here first), I fucking hate WHITE PEOPLE!!

They think they're so cool. I know it's not nice to judge a whole race based on a few people of that race that you've encountered. But I've been living with white people since the day I was born and I'm fucking sick of it. This isn't just a snap decision, this hate has been growing for time. Let's look at the facts:

The father that was never there for me = WHITE
The mother that never bought me a Mega Drive = WHITE
The teachers that gave me my mis-education = WHITE
The bullies at school = WHITE
The boss at work that gives me shit = WHITE
The girls that never licked my balls = WHITE
The friends that always smoked my weed = WHITE

And it's not just in my life, it's all over the world that crackers are fucking up. Hitler was white, look at all the shit that he did! Tony Blair's white, he's fucked up this country, and Gordon Brown (who is also white, despite is last name) has fucked us up more. George Bush, every-comedians favourite punchline has fucked up the entire world and he is white. If tomorrow there was a newspaper headline that read; "Robert Mugabe not even black, turns out it was just a tan", I wouldn't be shocked in the slightest.

Even Michael Jackson was making great music and not touching children before he turned white.

I know what people are thinking, how can I hate white people when I'm white? Well the fact of the matter is I hate myself for being white! Even if I have mix-raced kids I'll still hate them slightly because they're dad's a white bastard!

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