Monday 13 July 2009

There is no God, the proof is in Santa

The other day I came to this conclusion, that Santa Clause (a/k/a Father Christmas) is simply a form of the Christian God.

Let’s look at the “facts”. When they are depicted in films, TV or cartoons they are often seen as large white males with long white beards. This was the first thing I noticed. They are constantly watching and judging us, God decides who amongst us will get into heaven while Santa decides which children will get presents this Christmas. So we are taught to act accordingly.

They both have their ‘workers’; God has his angels, Santa has his elves. They are both running their respected fields, they are the top dogs.

As I draw on these similarities, something else struck me. The main thing that they have in common, neither of them exists! Sorry kids ... and Christians!

As I began to further this thought process I began to think that Santa Clause was created as a hint to all of us that there is no God.

Think about it for a second, they have all these things in common. The idea of Santa existing is placed in a child’s head from a young age and eventually they come to know the truth.

This is the same practice as the existence of God, yet there’s nobody to really break it to you or no real way of discovering. It’s not like you can wake up early Christmas morning to discover you’re parents listening to peoples prayers, then they break it to you; “Son, there is no God; we’ve just been pretending to be him all these years.” That can’t happen.

Santa is a manifestation of God. When you discover that Santa is not real, you also discover that God is not real. It’s a way to soften the blow, as it is easier to tell people that there is no “fat man entering your house once a year to leave gifts” than it is to tell them there is no “almighty being that created the world and us, who lives in Heaven and watches over us every second of everyday”.

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