Friday, 9 May 2008

Advice for Media Students

Seeing as my successful Guide to being British went down so well, I’ve took it on myself to write out some advice tips for Media Students. Media Students have it hard, so I’m trying my best to help them out. Have it hard you ask? Yes, they do. They are constantly under fire from other Students who believe that Media Studies is not even a real Course. And secondly, they’re on a pointless Course.

So, if there is still anymore Media Students reading this, here’s your fucking advice, you pricks:

  • As Media Students, you must read newspapers, both tabloid and broadsheet, and buying newspapers everyday, this can easily lean any Media Student with not enough money for the alcohol he/she needs to get threw the day. So here’s the tip, once a week head down to a recycling point and rummage threw the paper recycling bins and you will find a endless amount of newspapers; tabloid, broadsheet, local. It’s a newspaper goldmine. Plus if you’re lucky you may come across a copy of Nuts, Zoo or even a porn magazine.
  • Also as Media Students, you must watch television. If you’re rich enough to have a TV, or possibly sly enough to beat up your Grandmother and steal hers, you will now have to pay for a TV Licence. And as a Student you need that money for alcohol and drugs, but don’t worry too much. Just don’t get a TV Licence. If you simply remove the TV aerial wire connected to the wall while you aren’t watching TV, you should be fine. Don’t worry if the TV Licensing people send you letters, they never seem to take action.
  • Now, I myself don’t watch much TV, probably only something like 6-8 hours a day, it rots the brain and makes you stupid. So instead I download TV shows illegally, and this is my next tip. Get yourself a Rapidshare account and go mental. You can find everything on the web. And some geeky people will rip shows from TV and upload them for you within hours, so you don’t have to fit your schedule around the Broadcasters times. You can download you’re favourite shows and watch them whenever you want, over and over again.
  • In this day and age everyone is on some kind of social network online. It’s either Facebook, MySpace or Bebo (although I don’t fuck with Bebo), and we all know Networking is important for Media Students. But if some clever people get your email address because you want a job with them and they go stalk you online to see what you get up to, they’re going to find pictures of you gurning your face off, stealing public property or pissed up humping your mate’s leg, which doesn’t look good for anyone. So make another email address, make it sound a bit more professional too. Then go on to use that email address to create alternative Facebook/MySpace/Bebo accounts, which you keep nice and clean. This will help you out.

So, I hope I've managed to help you all out in some way or another.

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