Saturday, 19 July 2008

Blog News

Here's some Blog news people, so gather the family or friends around the PC/Mac and all feel sorrow for what I am about to tell you; I not be posting so much in the next few weeks. This is due to my personal life and possible rape charges I am facing, but once my name is cleared I'll be back ....

But in all seriousness I'm moving into my new house and may not have internet connection for a while, but don't reach for that knife yet, no need to slit your wrists because I will still be writing and hopefully writing with more focus. I will actaully think about what I'm going to write instead of just writing it. What to expect; more reasons to legalise weed, true stories of me getting too wasted, more What's Been Happening This Week (infact, I will try to keep upto date with the happens in the news and post everything I've missed while I'm away), Religious hate and of course random abuse being thrown at emos!

But until then, you can check out my partner in crime, my fellow weed smoking, beer drinking, wife beating, child touching soul-mate; Frenchie @
As he takes you on a journey deep into the darkest parts of his mind where the voices he often so listens to reside. In his first post he shares his love of Coldplay.

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