Welcome to my new thing I'm adding to my Blog. I'm currently getting struck with writers block, my doctors told me I'll be fine eventually, but writers block has been going around for the last month or so. Anyway, here is "What's Been Happening This Week", a write up by none other than Ben Broughton. You'll never need to buy a newspaper again, because I'll look through them then give you all the information you need, so here's what's been happening ...
- Well on TV we've had the Tennis and Big Brother, so that's two channels that I haven't been watching, maybe next year all the Tennis stars can live in the Big Brother house and play tennis, but it doesn't matter who wins, becuase the viewer (no typo there, I mean one viewer) will vote out which tennis stars he/she doesn't like. This is likely to give the British an edge.
- Amy Winehouse is back in the news... by "back in the news", I really mean "still in the news". But now why? Becuase her smackhead boyfriend/husband/person she shoots up with has been writing letters from prison. We all now know that the tabloids HAVE to write a story on Amy Crackhouse every-single-day, let's face it, Joe Public knows more about her life than she does. Of couse it's all a countdown until she overdoses, but that could take sometime. But luckily, she lives in London, so she'll probably get killed in a random stabbing in the next few weeks.
- Police have given up looking for Madeleine MacCann, but her parents are more bothered that they will remain suspects forever (coughguiltyconsciencecough). Maybe they should be more bothered about the police giving up hope. I mean, anyone with half a brain knows it's likely this girls been dead for a long time, probably afew days after she was 'kidnapped', if she was infact kidnapped. The quote from The Sun read; "The couple - currently on holiday without Maddie - vowed they would NEVER give up the hunt for their missing daughter, even if the cops do." They will never, give up, but they'll take a fucking holiday from hunting, only 14 months after their daughter goes missing. If I had a child 'kidnapped' while on holiday I think that would put me off going on holiday for a long time, if not ever again. And I'm quite sure Mr McCann was asking the public months back to help find Maddie. Hold on mate, I have bills and shit to pay. Yeah, you've killed ... I mean you've lost your daughter and you want me to put money in my pocket for you. I feel bad for you, I really do. But I'm not here to pay for you're fucking holiday!
- Petrol prices are getting higher than Amy Crackhouse (see me for the sickest similies ever!). And the newspapers are claiming food prices are also spiraling up, but everytime I walk into Morrisons, ASDA or an other supermarket all I see is "Half Price!", "Buy you get one Free", "Buy two get one Free", "Just put this in your pocket and walk out", so don't fall victim to the bullshit. Yes petrol costs more, food doesn't. You're family is not going to starve because you can't afford food. You might have to catch the bus to get your shopping, but you'll still be able to get the same amount of food for the same price, don't get emo and hang yourself in your garage.
- Prince William 'helped' bust some coke dealers with the Navy in Barbados. There's more to this story in my opinion. Wills was probably in Barbados partying, and happened to get involved by accident. The coke was probably heading to Barbados for Wills mate Tom Parker Bowles anyway.
- More celeb news. Madonna and Guy Ritchie were going to get a divorce at the start of the week, but by the end they weren't. Wow, exciting stuff. Here's my marrage advice; Madonna spend less time making shitty songs and more time washing the dishes! Guy hasn't made a decent film for time and she hasn't made decent music for longer ... maybe a divorce is a good idea, I liked Lock Stock ... and Snatch.
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